I've been putting stuff on the web since 1996. In that era you had to think of people who didn't
have a browser that could support tables. Connection speeds were 14.4Kbs, that's roughly
one hundredth of today's broadband speed and people paid by the minute for their connection
so it was convenient to give them as much information as possible at once then allow them
to go off-line.
Here is an example. 32Kbytes! Compasses mystery
Why should three pubs in Essex all called The Compasses be in a straight
line 10 miles long? A 4th pub called The Compasses creates a circle and
points to an ancient centre of Templar activity. Other strange coincidences.
Geomancy, Masons, Templars and the Peasants revolt (1381) could all be linked.(Or not)
We were inventing the Internet as we went along, in particular how to develop styles of
presentation and interaction. There were no Cascading Style Sheets, mime-types or blogs.
Many people, though they knew the Web was going to be magic, had no idear how they
might be able to use it for their own advantage.
Here are some pages which may, or may not be 'of their time'.
Guru of the marshes
Some tips on web page design. Note the clever navigation. Also a reminder that some things never change.
See here
I wondered if it was possible to create a magazine besed on reader's contributions.
Here is the first and only issue including
Curiosities about 16th century wills
Dyslexia soup - many varieties
An Essex pub comes back from the brink, one step at a time
Poem: The lonely fish-wife
Question: What is the most efficient way of washing brushes?
Railway scandal
How do you 'go public' with a technical issue? What's a good writing format and how do you
keep page size down when including lots of pictures? This horrifying disregard for safety
that extended through many layers of government incomptence needs to stay on the record
as a warning for how awful British 'management' can get.
See here
I do a lot of programming during which I develop libraries that other people might find useful.
As time goes by their relevance declines but there may be people who fancy using the ideas
in a library rather than starting from scratch.
See here
Burnham rose
I'm a serial inventor. Here is a practical technique
for putting worrysome things in the past. Surely this is an ideal use for the Web? -
Yet in all these years I've not had a single follow-up to this article. Strange...
...Despite the rise of blogs and wikis I think there may be some distance to go
in the way we 'create, refine and promulgate knowledge'.
Essex gravity guide
At one time Gravity Beer in Essex was dying-out. Here's the
picture from the turn of the century with a few updates.
Essex gravity guide
Dates done properly. Obvious when you think about it: The time-line model for representing dates is broken. This is how to fix it.
Incompetent ECC Highways
A new chief executive started in January 2016.
Is he just as useless as his predecessors or can he fix the arrogant,
incompetence of Essex County Council's Highways Department.
We give him clear examples and minimum standards to apply to the broken organisation.
Incompetent ECC Highways